Thank You Quotes for Friends Funny

Barbara has spent over forty years writing poems, lyrics, and sayings for cards, and interpreting the meanings and messages in song.

Write Something Funny in a Thank You Card

Write Something Funny in a Thank You Card

Personal Funny Notes to Write in Your Thank You Cards

You've been the recipient of a generous act and need to express your thanks in a personal way. That's why these messages and sayings were written.

A thoughtful, funny note in a card makes a difference. It almost sounds too simple to matter, but think about the times you've received a card with a handwritten personal note and what that meant to you.

Finding the right words to say is the hard part, so don't struggle. Scroll through this list to find the best thoughts for your funny thank you card and simply write them inside the card, or use the blurbs as inspiration for finding what you really need to say.

Sarcastic comments to say thanks—for those friends who only breathe because of sarcasm.

Sarcastic comments to say thanks—for those friends who only breathe because of sarcasm.

20+ Sarcastic Blurbs to Write in a Thank You Card

1. So you think you're all that? So what if you saved my bacon, solved my problem, and soothed my soul. Show off.

2. You're brilliant. Or maybe I'm brilliant because I know you?

3. You've put my life back on track to being the incredible journey it was meant to be; you're a little too awesome for your underwear.

4. Some people are just plain old everyday people, then there's you. This superhuman, crazy smart jerk who everybody loves cause you're always there for others!

5. Do you even know how to fail? Thank you for never learning that! Your help saved me again.

6. Did you go to college to learn how to buy the perfect gift? Man, you sure know how to pick 'em. Thanks for making my gift giving skills look really bad.

7. When God was handing out all the talent, he gave you a big chunk of it, didn't he? Cause once again, I'm sending you a damn thank you card for your awesomeness.

8. Of all the Charlie Brown's in the world, you're not the Charlie Browniest. Man, do you always have to be so helpful, so kind, so generous, so thoughtful... so perfect? Well, we're glad you are. Forget trying out for the next Peanuts Movie.

9. I've thanked you and thanked you and thanked you and thanked you over a hundred times, it seems—man, I'm sick of repeating myself.

10. Some people get to help others and some people are a hopeless case like me! Thanks again for being who you are.

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11. In a world filled with sub-par people, you're an above-the-crowd type. Thanks for being annoyingly perfect.

12. You're like a diamond in the rough—wait, no, that's me—thank you for always helping to polish me up a little. I need it.

13. Since I'm always sending them to you, I finally got organized and bought a box of 500 thank you cards. Well, thanks for all you did for me, and thanks for the bit of money I saved buying your cards in bulk.

14. Are you prepared for the gushing thanks this card is going to be filled with? I'll give you a minute. *breathe in breathe out* *one and two* *here it comes* "Thank you for being the winner in my life!"

15. A card saying thank you just doesn't cut it. So can you please be my Valentine, too?

16. Did I ever thank you for all you did for me? Just in case I haven't I'm sending this card to stroke your ego some more.

17. In a world of bad guys, you're one of the good guys. Shocking, because most of the time you fit right in as a bad guy. Thanks.

18. Electric is who you are! Electric! You can do anything, fix anything and be anything. You're powerful. Thank you.

19. Enough is enough. All you ever do is help, help, and help—aren't you tired of being the goodie-two-shoes helper guy people can count on? I hope not, cause wow, you're handy to have around in a pinch. Thanks, dude.

20. Thank you doesn't cut it. But since you already have an inflated version of self-worth, let me add to the pile—'You're awesome, amazing, shockingly good looking, kind, thoughtful, always right, and most of all, just like me.'

21. So you did something wonderful, and now I'm forced to send you this card dripping with thanks, gheesh, does it always have to be about you!!

22. I don't want to puke thank you over and over because that's just not cool, so I'll only send you this one card with the words thank you in big print once. Now lets forget everything you've done! Not really. How could I, you're too awesome.

23. You're so annoying! All you do is help, help and help. Gheesh, aren't you tired of being dependable.

Get to work saying thank you the right way—with funny personal words.

Get to work saying thank you the right way—with funny personal words.

1. Thank you for just being the freakishly amazing humanoid you are.

2. In this world there are movers and there are shakers. You're both. Thanks for helping us move.

3. In a galaxy far far away, there's a missing poster of you. You can't be of this world, you've done so much for us! Thank you seems so small.

4. You've never given up on anything, and we're grateful because we needed you this last time. Thanks for being a tenacious so-and-so.

5. We have declared today your national day. Every year we'll toast to you for what you did. Saying thank you was too lame.

6. We're your trophy. It's ok, we promise not to sit on your mantle. Thanks for everything.

7. Saying thank you in a card is so lame. That's why we did it, 'cause that's who we are—useless lame ducks who couldn't get through life without your help.

8. We wanted to buy you a paid vacation to Hawaii as a thank you, but if we could do that we wouldn't have needed your help and could have hired someone instead and saved the money and sent ourselves on that trip. Wow, that was rude. Sorry, what we're trying to say is that without your help we couldn't have written all this gold in your thank you card. So, thank you!

9. Thank you for being you; that's all we ever want. A million dollars, and that.

10. To say thank you we bought you a star—not really, but look up and the first star you see is yours. You deserve the moon too, we're working on that.

11. Your ancestors must have been awesome because your genes fit you. Thanks for everything.

12. A million bucks, that's what you're worth to us. Unfortunately this lousy cheap thank you card is all you're getting.

13. Somewhere over the rainbow is your pot of gold for all the help you've given me. When you get it, share it, because if it weren't for me, you'd have nobody to practice your crazy good side on.

14. You are the pilot of my life. Poor you, I understand why that upsets you. Thanks again.

15. I put on my best dress, took out the champagne and toasted to your fantastic generous nature. Then I bought myself a gift to really show you how much I appreciate you! Not really, it's all true but the gift part. Thank you.

Silly thanks for your card. Brighten up their day—say something goofy.

Silly thanks for your card. Brighten up their day—say something goofy.

10 Stupid Funny Messages for Your Thank You Card

1. Thank you is easy. What you did for us was impossible. So we're taking skydiving lessons to try and keep up with your mad skills.

2. When God created you, he freestyled it. Cause there ain't no mould. Thank God.

3. We asked ourselves, 'would we do for you what you did for us'. After great consideration, we concluded, 'no effing way'. What are you, nuts! We aren't in your league.

4. Thanks for the help. That's all you're getting, a mouth full of thanks.

5. Looks like you're brown-nosing God. You gotta stop sucking up like that. But, it's our turn to score points with the big man, and that's where this thank you card comes in.

6. You conspired to help us, forcing us to send you this thank you card. Takes a lot to fool us.

7. If you knew how awesome you were, you'd be way more conceited. Thank goodness you're not too bright. Thanks!

8. We're in a bit of a pickle; we want to thank you but we're afraid you might think we're grateful? We decided to risk it. Happy thank you card day.

9. Sometimes life is not as complicated as it seems. See, helping me wasn't all that bad, at least you got this card with words and such.

10. Did I ever thank you for all you've done? In case I didn't, let this card be your notice of thanks.

In Case You Decide Not to Send Your Thanks in a Card - Here's a Cutesy Thank You e-Card

Questions & Answers

Question: I am retiring what words can I say to office personnel?

Answer: "Glad to be going, sad to go," "wish I could do this all over again, not really, just wish I could stay with you all," "you're going to miss me when I'm gone, lol, not true, I'm the one who will miss you all"

Question: How does the saying go that uses the word, "almost"?

Answer: Hi, thanks for the question. I'm not sure what you're referencing in that question, so I'll offer up thank you quotes with the word 'almost' in them. Hope this helps: "Almost forgot to thank you, how could I!", "You're almost the best, ok, that's a lie, you are the best, thank you", "Can you show me how to be as great as you, I'm almost there, not really! thank you for everything."

© 2017 Barbara Tremblay Cipak

Do You Take the Time to Write Personal Notes in a Thank You Card?

jennifer on April 25, 2019:

these are great!

Barbara Tremblay Cipak (author) from Toronto, Canada on November 21, 2017:

Karen, thanks for stopping by :)

Karen on November 21, 2017:

How fun! We all need more things that make us laugh. Thank you!

Barbara Tremblay Cipak (author) from Toronto, Canada on November 20, 2017:

Thanks for stopping by Lorelei

Lorelei Cohen from Canada on November 20, 2017:

Perfect for wedding, birthday, anniversary, or Christmas messages of appreciation. Right in time for the holiday season. Thank you for such a great list of ideas for my greeting cards.


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