Haig Road Putu Piring: From roadside stall to thriving chain



From roadside stall to thriving chain: The story of Haig Road Putu Piring

In the third episode of CNA Luxury's podcast series Next Gen, we hear from Haig Road Putu Piring'southward 5th-generation owner Nooraisha Hashim, who tells usa how she gave up her dream of becoming a pastry chef in the The states to help steer the family business in Singapore.

From roadside stall to thriving chain: The story of Haig Road Putu Piring

Haig Road Putu Piring's fifth-generation owner Nooraisha Hashim. (Photo: Kelvin Chia)

01 Nov 2022 06:25AM (Updated: eleven Nov 2022 04:10PM)

Every bit she hovers over her putu piring stall in Geylang Route, casting an eagle center on the production procedure and the comings and goings of customers, suppliers and delivery riders, Nooraisha Hashim, 38, looks every flake the savvy baron.

You lot would not for a moment think that this wasn't Nooraisha's life calling. Later all, making putu piring has been a family tradition that's been passed down from mother to daughter for five generations; starting with her great-great-grandmother, who operated a roadside stall in Jalan Besar in the 1930s.

Nooraisha had no intention of taking over the family business, even though she spent her childhood and school years helping her parents at the stall and at home. Her dream was to get a pastry chef in the US. In the early 2000s, she pursued a Bachelor's degree in Baking & Pastry Arts at Johnson and Wales University in Providence, Rhode Isle. Upon graduating, she landed a job as a pastry cook in Boston Harbor Hotel, Massachusetts.

She yearned to open her ain pastry shop in America. However, barely a year into her role in Boston, she had to put aside those dreams.

Nooraisha with her parents. (Photo: Nooraisha Hashim)
Putu piring. (Photo: Nooraisha Hashim)

"My parents chosen me up and said that they actually, actually needed help," she said. Her parents were running the stall at a java shop in Block 12 Haig Road, but the java store was due to shut and they had nowhere to go. Facing a manpower shortage, they needed their girl's help to find a replacement stall. Prior to her stint in the US, Nooraisha had been helping her parents with human resource and licensing issues.

"So that's why I came back." It wasn't the easiest of decisions. "Information technology took me almost a month to think information technology over, whether to come up back or not." Her experience in the US had been "fun" and "exciting". "I think whoever goes overseas, in one case yous have a skillful life there, you don't feel similar coming dorsum," she said, laughing.

The outlet at Geylang Road. (Photo: Nooraisha Hashim)

In the cease, filial piety and a sense of duty won over. "In my family unit, nosotros seldom say no to our parents." Then she packed her numberless and flew dwelling house, only to be thrown back into the thick of things. She initially wanted to find her ain job, but she was helping out to the extent that it made more sense to join the family unit business total-time.

And then she did, in 2007. In 2014, she registered the visitor as Haig Road Putu Piring and became its managing director, taking over from her parents. Since then, she has expanded the business to five outlets; come upward with new flavours like chocolate to concenter younger customers; opened a central kitchen in Bedok; and – similar so many other F&B businesses during the pandemic – started offer islandwide delivery.

Nooraisha had no intention of taking over the family business organization, even though she spent her childhood and school years helping her parents at the stall and at dwelling. (Photograph: Kelvin Chia)

In 2019, business organization received a boost post-obit an appearance on Netflix's Street Nutrient Asia. Exposed to a global audition, there was a sudden influx of customers from equally about as Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia, to as far afield as Deutschland, Italian republic and Russia – all of whom were eager to snap photos for Instagram.

Unfortunately, at that place was also a scrap of backlash from the series, with Singaporeans divided into two camps: 1 who felt that putu piring was not representative of Singapore; and another who felt that it was nice to have a less common aspect of the country's culinary heritage showcased.

"We had a few comments from Singaporeans, [asking if] it meant that putu piring represents Singapore. Frankly speaking, my family and I had no thought that we were chosen to be ane of the main ones… Netflix interviewed ten business owners in Singapore. I only assumed that we were chosen because we have a unique kind of food. I believe Netflix wanted to know more about our story and the history of putu piring."

When asked how she feels about running one of the oldest family-run F&B businesses in Singapore, Nooraisha replied: "I feel honoured." Today, Haig Road Putu Piring sells about x,000 putu piring daily, across its four outlets (Haig Road Nutrient Centre, Geylang Road, Simpang Bedok and Northpoint Urban center, Yishun; the fifth, in Ang Mo Kio, closed during the pandemic). That number, however, isn't enough for her.

Celebrity customers include Aaron Aziz. (Photo: Nooraisha Hashim)
Celebrity customers include Taufik Batisah. (Photo: Nooraisha Hashim)

"One of my goals is to have as many shops every bit possible. Just you lot know, I'one thousand still building the structure to strengthen the pillars in my company. I nevertheless need to have a few more team players earlier I tin can really maximise our expansion." In the futurity, she plans to franchise the business.

This proposal did not go downwardly well with mum. "She's against information technology. Fifty-fifty [in the last few years], when I wanted to open more than branches, my mother was against information technology, considering she said it's not easy to handle. But of grade, with the help of my married man and all my staff who are very faithful to us, I made information technology happen. Therefore I demand more team players to be in the company to make the franchising happen."

Despite their differences, Nooraisha is grateful for the lessons that her mum (and dad) taught her. Top of the list? "Not to exist stingy. The more you lot give, the more you get." Every bit well, "Ever be nice to customers." Mum and dad besides instilled the value of hard work in their children (Nooraisha has an elderberry sister, who is not involved in the concern).

"I did not have the usual childhood where, you know, [you would go home after school], sentry TV, spend time with your parents. My childhood was [spent helping my mother]. [Back and then] our flour was made from home. And then even though I was watching TV, my easily would be moving, helping her mix the flour. If I had homework, I would finish my homework and assist my mum do what I could.

When asked how she feels about running one of the oldest family-run F&B businesses in Singapore, Nooraisha replied: "I feel honoured." (Photo: Kelvin Chia)

"I also didn't used to get things easily from them. So if I needed something, they would tell me to work for it. I hateful, it's a nice feel considering non all kids get to work and have money and and then spend it on what they want. And then that'southward a good lesson that… I'm now adapting to my sons. If they want something, they must help me out in the kitchen!"

Nooraisha has three sons: Fahmi, vii; Farish, five; and Rayyan, four. She hopes that they will one day take over the ropes – "If not all three, then peradventure one". In the concurrently, she's trying to set up up a strong framework to make the concern run as smoothly every bit possible in the future.

"The first one loves to go into the kitchen… he loves to eat and will try and gustation everything. He's as well the more than easily-on ane. The 2d one, from what I can see, is more into paperwork, that kind of thing. He loves to talk. I think he could represent the visitor."

Nooraisha with her family. (Photograph: Nooraisha Hashim)

The Adjacent Gen podcast is brought to you by Jaeger-LeCoultre.

Mind to our interview with Nooraisha Hashim here. New episodes of Next Gen are published every Sun at cna.asia/podcasts


Source: https://cnalifestyle.channelnewsasia.com/people/haig-road-putu-piring-singapore-heritage-food-286476

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